Me First


In that moment, the room seemed to hold its breath as the words "Me first" echoed with a commanding presence. The figure on the canvas exuded an aura of unwavering strength and self-assuredness, a stark contrast to the timid girl nervously waiting to be sketched.

As my pencil touched the paper, I couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration for the woman in the painting. Her stance, her expression—everything about her spoke volumes about resilience and determination. It was as if she was reminding us all that it's okay to prioritize ourselves, to stand tall and unapologetically claim our space.

The young girl's eyes widened in awe, her shyness melting away as she watched the sketch unfold. And in that moment, I realized that "Me first" wasn't just a statement; it was a powerful declaration of self-worth and inner strength. The woman in the painting was a reminder that we all deserve to put ourselves first, to embrace our uniqueness, and to hold our heads high in the face of any challenges.

As I continued to sketch, the room buzzed with a newfound energy—an energy fueled by the unapologetic confidence of a woman who knew her worth. And as the final strokes completed the portrait, I couldn't help but smile, knowing that the essence of "Me first" would linger long after the exhibit ended, empowering all who encountered her

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